2009年6月13日 星期六

Impotent speechlessness

I pay a lot attention in job more than my home,and wife this month.
Since I like my job and enjoy communication with the people I worked before.
However part of them are changed in these days.
I found that how be the behavior of new ones without politeness at all and cross the line in unfair justice with due manner.
But the only thing I can do still be keeping to work this job and watch the thing I should to do.
Yesterday is a Friday night but I don't feel happy at all.
I become very silent when arriving home and seem like deep part of my hear cry without any tear in insensibility but I feel wood like outside all night.

Fortunately I feel comfortable a little since it is fact now.
The only thing I should keep to do right thing and pay time more for my home.

Maybe I will feel I am too stupid when I watching this after few years passing.
So lay the motion with the music.

4 則留言:

objekt 提到...

Life is like that sometimes, isn't it? Unfortunately one has little control of others' behaviors or responses. The good thing is that at least you come home to people you love who love you. And best of all, that's what music/book/coffee are about, a comfort part of life that you know you can sink yourself in and just be.

gundam 提到...

Hi objekt
Yes, life is like that sometime.
It always have taste the bitter of paint then you can feel the sweet of happiness.
Your comment is so proper that show how mature you are and how kid like am I.
Yes,I lay this feeling day by day now.
Hope you want have this kind of trouble often.

objekt 提到...

You know it's the funniest thing that I had similar feeling by EOB last Friday. The comment I wrote was just one of those "easy said but hard to do" comment. (Just tried to cheer u up from a different point of view XD) I Don't think I'm mature enough to handle all situations well (some I do, some I don't) but certainly I can understand how frustrated you were from my own experience. Hopefully over time those frustrations will be gone, one way or the other :)

PS. I appreciate your comments and I know you meant well. It's always good to learn different opinions. Make me able to see things in a different view.

gundam 提到...

Hi objekt
The thing you told to me is the same I want to tell to you.
Wish you have a good day.