2014年5月5日 星期一

2014年Gundam的輕快生活(Tom's Carefree Life)

癌症輕敲我房門 Cancer sneak by my life

手術平安健康回  Recovering soon from big surgery

忘記真心愛身體  Don't treasure body and heart well

拼命賺錢又傷身 Which harms mind& body is working hard

痛定思痛修半年 My Heart is on health from job now 

感謝患癌讓我醒 Thank cancer leads me review life’s attitudes

期盼身心正面轉 Except positive thinking occupy my mind always

助人快樂心平靜  Peace Life forever

註解:幾張是賢內助Sherry Feng拍攝,她在拍攝意境指導我很多,謝謝她.
Notes:Some photos are captured by Sherry Feng who is my good half and guide me the meaning of photo a lots.