2008年9月28日 星期日

OCR-1W與我的FCR-1W :OSC 1W &my FCR 1W

DECORE登山的變速系統也比我女友的FCR 公路變速器順暢些且登山的變速器耐用度更高些.
The raod we ride is all on road.So the front supsension is almost lock all time and is a little useless and too heavy for us.
So we sell Alies 2, and I can buy the FCR for me,too.

售出的Alies(The Alies is sold)

唯一留下是奇暐自行車購買的真皮的座椅(The thing kept is the chair that I bough for Alies2 before)
輪到我選車的時候,FCR 喜歡的顏色都缺貨.後來看上OCR 1W這台規格更好,選台更高檔的車讓女友升級到底.
However FCR is out of stock when I want to buy, then we found OCR 1W is a good choice for her.
Since the spec of OCR 1W is bettter than FCR 1W for my girl friend Feng,She will like to ride with more for and I can take over the FCR 1W for myself.

After finding more than ten stoes we found the "S" size frame.
The 2008 painting qulaity of OCR 1W is as good and clasic as the painting of FCR1W.

原廠OCR 1W規格連結:Spec link of Gaint OCR 1W:

OCR 1W的新車燈和水壺架購買自新店 羅斯福路上的 奇暐自行車(技術導向的好車店).
OCR 1W 又是小弟去 三峽 北大自行車行找到(服務導向的好車店).

小弟接手了女友FCR1W,加上一點男性化的配件後,越看越美的紫白黑的FCR 1W就變成小弟的愛車與出遊補給車~
After I take over the FCR 1W.
I add some equiepment for become supply bike and more men like.

Selle Italia Maxflite Gel Flow(leather)真皮座椅以及簡易打氣設備

感想:FCR 1W經過上面的裝備後,給男生騎真的一台質感優又好騎的單車.

1 則留言:

Shawn 提到...

hi Tom, 我媽的朋友也購入今年的FCR1W了 配色滿好看的 可以來我的blog看看:>